Thursday, June 10, 2010


Posted by ~ame~ at 6/10/2010 12:27:00 AM
From the moment people start talking crap about you, you should know that you are popular..your life seem so perfect to them, they just wanna fuck it up for you..why?..the reason is so obvious, it's because they are so jealous of you..they can come out with some craps, even if it's not relevant or so not true..and they'll try so hard to convince the other person to fuck your life with him/her (I do believe most of it applies to girls)..if that particular person is not convinced, he/she will continue such crap till they just makes them feel so much better to pull down others and make themselves look a lil better..but it has clearly shown what type of person they are, narrow minded..I don't understand when they so much time to fuck up people's life and reputation, why don't they use it to make themselves better..gosh..are we really that influential till they have to talk about us everyday?!!..they should really get a life and stop making us feel so important and famous please

P/s: When these lifeless people start talking craps about you, just don't bother or don't try to talk back because you know they are such an idiot and you're not =)

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