Thanks Jane for bringing me along to the most awesomely awesome Sweet Seventeen Make Over Party!! in Roots was a blast..I really enjoyed myself and not forgetting all the goodie bags I brought home with me and also my lucky draw gift..whole lotsa stuff we brought home today..all super "chun" stuff..lucky draw hamper by Nair, goodie bags from Seventeen Magazine and Clinique =D ..I am so loving the Clinique products now..learned a lot from the experts too..we also had our hair done by A Cut Above

Such a small world..met one of my college mate, Jeniffer =)
I LOVE the pwettie..with lotsa heart balloons ^^
All the little fans of Seventeen Magazine
Talk by Clinique experts..quite helpful
Nice right?!..we did this ourselves (with the help of Sze Yoong from sze accessories of course) *so proud*
Next stop is hair styling station by A Cut Above..long queue wei..but worth the wait =)..
Nice?..I dunno how they curl our hair so lovey (^.^)..
Off to make-up station by Clinique..Jane's doing a proper make-ups taught by some professionals from Clinique of course..we didn't have enough time for the nails station..sobs..
TADAA!!..Jane looks damn chio..
Jane was selected as one of the fashion model..haha.thanks to her colleagues
I love Jane's outfit..sponsored by Jaspal..and she gets RM100 voucher from Jaspal (she was so thankful to her colleagues after the fashion show)
Crime Talk by Mr Kamal..very funny and entertaining man..LMAO
Q&A session
Ending performance by some girl group (don't remember the group name la)..good show
When I got this, I was like WTH! removal creams?! many different types samo..with all the wax wax thingy..I've got no idea how to use it..I so wanna get the Clinique products that worth RM225..Jane gets a PUMA watch worth RM400 @__@..damn..she's so lucky!..anyway, I know I am lucky too =)
Goodie bag from Clinique..containing a 3-Step Skin Care System bag, a cosmetic bag, a bottle of make-up remover, a small tiny tube of sun block, a key chain and a RM30 voucher
Goodie bag from Seventeen Magazine..wanna know what's inside?..vouchers from A Cut Above, Rm30 voucher from Jaspal, RM5 voucher from MPH (-.-" kiamsap), voucher and a damn "chun-ted" mirror from Freshkon, a pouch from Skechers, a pass strap from LeSportsac, a pair of earrings from Sze Accessories, a cute Levi's key chain, 3 weeks free membership from Celebrity Fitness, Evanescence's Anywhere But Home album (with 2 VCDs) from Sony Music, a RM30 voucher of French Manicure from Kuku Bar and some freaking booklets from Jaspal
So happy and so tired =)P/s: Janeeee! I wish I can have internship like yours..envy envy ><