Happy happy happy!!! =D celebrated my early 21st birthday with my lovely babes in the curve yesterday..it was such a great and lovely day (it's always great to hang out with all my bestie babes!!)..i thought of having dinner but we end up having brunch instead..hehe..we went to Italiannies and the food that we ordered was really nice..we had pepperoni pizza, carbonara spaghetti and meatball spaghetti (so super full)..after all the dinner, i got a surprise from my babes by bringing in 6 super gorgeous cupcakes for me (it's a dream come true!!..thanks for granting my wish babes)..the cupcakes were superb and the dinner was awesome bossom..absolute splendid!!.. =) i know it is not my birthday yet, but i just can't wait to open up all the prezzies i got..they are all so pretty!!..me lovie all my bestie babes till bits!!.. >< muuuuaaaxxxx x 10000000

tasty..yummy yum yum.. =)

besties for life!!.. =D

von von!..the forever entertainer..haha =p

Pling is her new name?!..lolzz..thanks for the sweet prezzie babe

Nusha!..never close ur eyes when u r taking pics alright!..luckily this is with ur eyes open
this is the sweetest thing from all my sweetest babes!!..me love it so much!!..thanks =)

prezzie from Dora & Yvonne

prezzie from Pei Ling

prezzie from Janeee!!..so cute >< it's hand-made by Jane OK!!