Hanna is the famous Korean pop singer. She suffers from having extremely poor self-esteem, as she has been ignored because of her appearance. At last, she makes the decision of a lifetime to have full-body plastic surgery.

This is such an amazing movie..after watching it, i've realized how beauty plays an important role in our lives..i know everybody loves being beautiful, seeing beautiful things and owning beautiful stuff..not to say that it's wrong but not everything beautiful things are worth owning..
I can't deny that me, myself love having the prettiest things in the world..like the clothes i wear, things i own, and even friends around me!!..i want every single thing in my life to be perfectly beautiful..what about you?..i bet you do have the same thought as i do right?..especially guys, when it comes to girls, they prefer only to talk to pretty girls..wanting to have the most gorgeous girlfriend..but what is the point of being with a girl for just her pretty face?!..don't they care about personality and inner beauty anymore?..i feel really disappointed to see guys these days only care about girls' outlook..and beautiful girls always have the priority..
cosmetic surgery, is that necessary for girls to become beautiful?..why do guys like it?..it's all FAKE!!..why do guys want to walk around with a "barbie doll"?..those girls who undergo cosmetic surgery are like going into a factory to get moulded around and...TA-DA!!..here comes the new barbie doll!!..
If girls want to look beautiful, DON'T BE LAZY!!..spare some time to put on a little make-up and do your hair..you'll look gorgeous too!!..we are all beautiful..there is no such thing as ugly girls but only lazy girls..

girl to crave for, body to die for and look that is killing us!!..this is what everybody wants and becoming what everybody needs to fit into the society..

i think she is as beautiful as the girl above..at least what's in her are real..