Ivan wanted to go shopping so badly and he was so desperate to go 1U..he planned to go shopping after class today..unfortunately, fel and mab got something going on and me of course still feeling very sick (having fever right after i reached home)..anyway, we went to summit after class for lunch (supposedly)..however, we end up in subang parade...it took us long enough to decide where to have our lunch and everywhere we go was so packed with people..so we decided to go for KFC..there's a very strange lady (from Yun Nam), kept STARING at me, not STARING right at my face but at my legs or my shoes or perhaps my pants (i really have no idea where was she STARING)..she is seriously damn weird!!..she kept STARING until we were so scared and get out from KFC..
In the end, we ate at pizza hut..Mab was asking Ivan for a favor, to burn DVDs for her (was for her dad actually) and she needs to be home by 2.30pm..as we know it'll take alot of time to get 2 DVDs burn..so she was STUCKED with us until approximately 3pm..Ivan "pulak" was damn PISSED cause of his presentation and for dunno what other reasons..basically, that's what happen to our day!!..Ivan as PISSED, i got STARED and Mab was STUCK!!.. @.@

look at how PISSED he was..

Mab was STUCK but yet she is happy to get STUCK with us.. =)

we tried this new pizza and it just taste really weird..