Went back to school yesterday to get my STPM certificate with Jane and Von (getting back their SPM certificates)..never expect myself to miss my school, CBN that much..old memories keep falshing at the back of my head while touring my school with Jane and Von..i really miss those days where we used to play "kejar-kejar", walking on top of benches and quarel over patty things (KIDS!!) =D ..
Red Hall still looks the same but White Hall seems to shrink...nothing much has change in school except for some new faces..don't seem to recognized the teachers in school..most of them are new i guess..i really miss my childhood and friends..never know when will i be going back to school again...CBN ROCKS!!..love my school.. =)

primary classroom..standard 1 and 6.. =)

White Hall

Red Hall

our beloved school "padang" =D

school canteen

CBNers' favourite mirror!!..

pohon kemboja!!..our favourite spot to "lepak"

Form 1 classroom

primary school's fish pond

most loyal neighbors..MONKEYS!!

tata CBN..we miss you!!

back to Jane's house for our brunch..

yummy food!!..