It's not hard to look for a boyfriend, but it's not easy to find the right one too..well, he doesn't have to be long as he's treating you right, loving you, and never take you for granted..the reason why I am writing this post it's because lately I've realize how lucky some of my friends are to have such nice boyfriend..what do I mean by nice?..let me just tell you about one of my friend aka my colleague..last week I was working with her on Malaysia Day (yes yes, it's a public holiday, but not for me) she brought along her boyfriend..I thought he was just there to help us set up the booth and laptops, however he was actually there to wait for my friend (his girlfriend) until she's done with work..which was about 4-5hours?!!..and without a single bit of complains..guess what?!..again, he was there with her on Sunday! often do find a guy who's willing to wait for their girlfriend for hours during their holidays?!!..most of them would rather stay home or hang out with their friends..I would already praise The Lord if my boyfriend would ever spend just an hour to have lunch with me
Anyways, not only he's willing to give in all his leisure time for her, also I think he's a really sweet boyfriend..I remember she told me that her boyfriend surprised her with a white iPhone when all she wanted was just to wait for him to pass down his black iPhone to her..not to mention, last two weeks when she couldn't find her way to the work place, her boyfriend actually drove all the way to bring her sweet is that?!..
I am not here to tell all the girls to find a guy who's willing to give in all his leisure time nor telling all the guys to surprise their girlfriends with an iPhone..what I am trying to say here is girls don't need a perfect guy, all we need is just someone who treat us don't have to be filthy rich, you don't have to be as good looking as Daniel Wu, you don't need to own a bungalow, sports cars, etc etc etc..all we want is you!!..girls are not hard to please, it's the things that you're willing to do for us..even if it's just a little's the thought that matters ♥
Souvenirs from Jane, all the way from Japan!!..wohoo~ me so lovie the big minnie key chain bow..lovely..also Jane got me Liz Lisa catalog..yatta~~ I know it's only the catalog, but but it's from Liz Lisa >.< ..thanks lovie lovie you a lot lotz lotzzz. =D
I don't know what's the problem with us using vouchers?!!..we got vouchers, we use it!!..few days back I went to Lee Jeans (located in Pyramid) with Mocchi..we wanted to use up our vouchers worth of when we got in the shop of course we double confirm whether we can use it or not..and then the sales girls started to gave us the "damn-you-cheapos" look -.-" ..their service was fucking bad..they don't even bother to serve us while we trying on the clothes and jeans..HELLO!!..I did chipped in RM40 to use your RM200 voucher ok..also Taylie said she went to the shop too and she heard them saying "voucher lagi"..WTF..not that we want to buy your stuff so much and I don't really like the jeans and clothes also..not gonna go there anymore!!..pissed off~
I've not been taking the public transports for don't know how many donkey I took the LRT today to go Wangsa Maju for briefing (as I've no idea how to get there, or else I won't torture myself with public transports)..half way through my journey, smokes started to filled the we were forced to wait for another train..the briefing took only 15 minutes and guess how long I need to get home?..3 freaking hours!!..waited for the train for more than 30 minutes..what's worst was the train got stuck at every few stations and also all passengers were to changed train every 2 stations!! super packed ok..FML -.-" can you imagine I was coming back from Wangsa Maju all the way to Kelana Jaya..changing train every 2 stations..are you kidding me??..I guess it only happens in Malaysia..that's the efficiency of our country..great job!!
I felt so stupid after I bought these contact lenses..first of all I have not worn any before, secondly, I have good eye sight *ahem*, thirdly, I don't think I'll be so hardworking putting them on..anyways, I bought them and I've stupidly tried to put them on for like a week!!..I've been watching videos from YouTube of how to put it on and get it I finally did it!!..hooray to me~~
Do you see any difference??..well, I guess not really..I think my eyes are too small for contact lenses..I am wearing the size of 14.5mm but then, my irises were fully covered till you can hardly see my eye white!..FML..damn I look like a monster @__@
Just to let you have a closer look of how freaking small my eyes are and how my irises got fully covered till you can hardly see my eye white!!
I swear I was looking at the camera ok!..I have no idea why it comes out looking like if I am looking at somewhere else.. -.-"