We were suppose to go for our Japanese class this afternoon..guess what we did instead??..we went for a haircut!!..we never intended to play truant..just that we haven't finish our しゅくだい, also I was running late thanks to the traffic jam and I can't get any parking!!..FML~ anyways, Jane looks really nice with her new hairstyle =)
While Dora waiting for her hairstylist we camwhore..wohoo~~
Jane is gonna shave bald!!.. XD
Jane's new look..she look like Chibi Maruko Chan now...lol
Finally, me with short hair @___@ ...I don't think I look nice in short hair..so I've decided to put some fertilizer for fast growing of hair..hahaha..now my hair is long again =p
The pictures are finally up..I need all your votes and support for the very last time so that I can proceed to the final..go to aforadio page, click on my album (AMELIA) and then click like for my album as well as all my pictures ya..nice or not just click click click..heh..thank you so much..love love love~~ =D
It's David Archuleta The Other Side of Down Tour!!!..and Jane got us some VVIP tickets..wootss~~ I bet most of Archuleta's fans gonna hate us since we are not his fan but we got FREE VVIP TICKET!!..hahahah..too bad =p ..the best thing of this concert was definitely we got to sit!!..
Look at how happy Dora was!!
Opening act by Hao Ren..not too bad tho =)
Here's the cutie Archuleta..we had really good view @_@ ..but the lighting spoil all my pictures =/
**********unrelated complaint**********
After the concert I went "yum cha" with Karine and so there was this uncle sitting right opposite me with a newspaper on his hands..those Chinese porno type of newspaper not sure what kinda newspaper was that..anyways, he was "reading" the same page for almost an hour and suddenly I saw him rubbing his freaking dick and flashing it!!!...WTF..damn disgusting uncle..yuck to the max..spoil my entire beautiful night!! =.='
Photo shoot for stage 3..we are the tea-time girls!!..I love the theme for this stage, the 50's pin-up girls style..hopefully all our pictures will turn out to be nice *fingers cross*..
Do you have any idea how much rouge they put on our faces??..we look like a bunch of Chinese opera singers @___@..we had our touch ups every 5 minutes!!
Michelle the make up artist..she's really nice and cute, also very "sampat-ted"..lol
Our last photo shoot for the competition..I am already missing the girls now..Yuji, Angelia, Alexisgrace, Kelsey, Mocchi, Vivian, Taylie, and the rest..they are indeed a bunch of lovable girls..I wanna thank them for all the tears and joy throughout this journey =D
Successful got into stage 2..you may start voting on the 13th July 2011..no worries if you forget to vote, I will be here to remind you =p
Make ups and hair do early morning at 8am @__@ ..guess what?!..I slept at almost 5am!!..I am sure there'll be another set of fugly pics of me >.<
Shooting at Hyundai Roadshow in the Curve
Taylie and I in our outfits of the day..THE COWGIRL THEME!!
I am guessing she's the manager of LEE JEANS..not too sure tho but she's really nice and friendly..helping all the girls with the fitting session..she does gave us good advice =)
Here we are, the settings..not with the pony (pony is specially customized for Mochi..lol)..we get to pose with a horse, Unicorn..heh..
Little puppy with her mommy..shooo cute..extremely "manja" and friendly as well =D
Not forgetting this little monkey..playful and smart
Another tiring day..reached home at 10pm again..well, I was supposed to be at home by 9pm..I didn't use the Federal highway know that it'll be super jam so I used NPE instead...but I still get stuck in the jam after the second toll -.-" ..I accidentally banged on someone's car too cause I fell asleep..thank God no damage or what so ever..
This year's June seems like the longest June in my life!!..all bad things are like coming to me one after another =/ ..FML..first I hurt my toe..it was like extremely painful that it's literally killing me..it's not just any other oh-I-hurt-my-toe kinda pain..it was so freaking painful that I almost fainted @__@..and my toe nail is like half coming out..so disgusting OK!
Not to mention, I had conjunctivitis!!..I couldn't open my left eye..it was so red, swollen, painful and it keeps tearing like nobody's business..went to the doctor and guess what?..I just found out that my cornea has a scar, old scar actually..WTF..anyways, just too much shit happens and I am not gonna bored you with all my "interesting" grandmother stories here..hoping for better coming months and in another 6 months it's new year..good months, good years ahead..*fingers cross*