Hey people!!..please go to AMELIA TAN AFORADIO ANGEL SEARCH 2011 and click on like..your votes and support are very much needed and appreciated..thank you so so so so so much =)
Please don't feel hesitate to click on like though I know I look super distasteful in both the pictures and super crappy in my video...it's not the photographer's fault, just my own problem..the photographer was really professional and nice..sorry "muka mengada" that's why I look like crap in those pictures and video =/ hope you guys can still vote for me >.<
Such a tiring but fun day..so many pretty girls for me to "cuci mata" XD
Amelea Tan & Amelia Tan..lolol
I think I prefer calling her Mochi =)
I and Yu Ji
Mun Mun and me
Evonne and Amelia
I am really really lazy to write a post now..we were there to get ready for the shoot at 8am and I reached home at 10pm!! >.< ..can you imagine how tired am I now??..I need my beauty sleep..so I'll just sum it all up in one word.....AWESOME! =D
Went for Aforadio Angel Search 2011 briefing this morning, which means I have succesfully proceed to the next stage top 25 (Stage 1) =) ..got my La Senza and Lee Jeans vouchers too..million thanks to those who have voted for me and supported me..hope you guys can continue voting for me for the upcoming stage 1..photoshoot tomorrow, so excited >.<
Special thanks to darling James James who have supported me all the way and purposely waking up in the morning to fetch me to Aforadio Studio for the briefing..after that brought me to Cream & Fudge for ice cream ♥
Please continue voting for me in the next stage..though only 40% are from public votes but all your votes and support means a lot to me =) ..I shall go for my beauty sleep now so that I'll look my best for tomorrow's shooting..love y'all..muaxie muax muax =D
Can time pass anymore faster?!!..it's already mid-term week..this is like the fastest semester for me..after mid-term, presentation, then finals, after that semester break >.< ..so so so fast @___@ ..gotta start with my senior project A.S.A.P..last 2 semesters and I'll be graduating (like finally)..can't imagine myself being in the working world..no more sleeping late, waking up in the afternoon, shopping on weekdays and "yum-cha" session whenever I want..huhuhu..will be waking up every early morning, stuck in jam, coming home after 5pm, stuck in jam again, in my formal attire, dull dull life..OK, maybe I shouldn't be thinking about all this first..I shall embrace whatever I am doing now..which is REVISION!!
Saw the ConePizza ad when we were searching for parking..it looks so delicious, so me and James decided to give it a try before our movie..and yes, this taste really yummy and juicy..if you were to drop by Pyramid remember to try this..located at the same level as TGIF =)
Anyone of you remember this bubble gum??..I found these in Daiso!!..I used to have it during primary..never had it for like more than a decade I guess?..MEMORIES~ =D