I don't normally use perfumes, however it's an exceptional for Paco Rabbane Lady Million =) ..Me love the sweet and feminine scent of it..and I am now loads with Paco Rabanne Lady Million perfumes..hehe
There's a lipstick in the little hamper..Me lovie ^.^
Shopping is LOVED!..sad that Jane couldn't join us but Von joined us for lunch and shopping..am damn broke already tho I didn't bought much stuff..I wonder where does all my money goes =/ ..
Our all time favorite Taiwan restaurant in Sungei Wang..we love the original Taiwan milk tea ♥♥♥
Lost count of how many pictures I took with Dodo..Von seriously need to go for photography classes..she keep taking err NOT-SO-NICE pictures of us and this is the best we could get I think
Once again, thanks to bestie Jane for the awesome Secondhand Serenade ticket =D ..I personally don't think they sound as good as in radio (maybe something wrong with the system, IDK) but they were indeed a bunch of friendly lads and of course they are all shooo cute >_< ..hehe
First day of class..boo >.< ..the feeling of waking up (especially early in the morning) for classes is just terrible, thinking that you'll be suffering for a 3 hours of lecture (how sad)..I just missed semester break though I'll be rotting at home for that month but I don't care!!..rather than going to boring classes..huhu..assignments and presentation I hate you as always!!..
Class is starting next week..so no mood already when thinking bout college..sigh..am going back to no fun land..gonna load with assignments and presentation..huhuhu =( ..can't wait till Chinese New Year tho for both the holidays and "ang pows"..at least I have something nice to look forward to..heh
A very happy new year to all of you out there!!..so what's your resolution for the brand new year of 2011??..mine??..I'd love keeping it to myself..anyways, if some of you out there has nowhere to go, counting down alone at home, has no boyfriend/girlfriend to spend such special time with you (just like me) don't feel bad for yourself ok..counting down at home could be as fun too..think about it, we don't have to crowd with everyone else, stuck in jam and yadaaaa yadaaaa..
To girls out there, if your boyfriends ditch you on such special day just screw it..especially when they are so desperate going to clubs n leaving you behind..this kinda bf is just now worth any of your precious time (seriously, they should spend time with their love ones at this time of the year, unless you are not their love ones..you get what I mean?)..well, obviously you know what they wanna do in a club not bringing you along..TO FUCK AROUND LA..what else?!!..but don't be mad..just stay calm and wish them happy new year, hope that they'll get HIV and STD for fucking around, be an unprepared daddy real soon, get all their money cheated and just burn in hell..hah
Till then, have a great year ahead..can't wait to see my girls soon..once again happy new year people!!.. =D