Things that guys should NEVER EVER do during 1st date or any other dates!!..1) Never be
LATE for dates (Gentleman will never let a lady wait, instead they should be the one waiting)
2) Never brag about yourself, or else the girl might think you're
a-nothing-but-a-boastful-bastard (We like humble and down-to-earth guys) =)
3) Don't ever ask a girl if they put make-up on, it's part of be grateful/appreciate what they do (Why do you think girls are willing to spend their precious time to beautify themselves just to go on a stupid date with you guys?!)..girls who do that means they respect the date..
4) Don't act weird/unusual.
5) Think of a best topic to talk about. Don't bored your dates or else it's gonna be your 1st and the last date..
6) Not to look at other girls with obvious stare. It is not wrong to look at other girls but don't make it too visible (Respect your dates too!)
NEVER EVER ask a girl to pay on dates (Don't date if you are too stigy to pay for the girl)
8) Don't try to make a
"quick-move" on 1st date, we don't click that way (EG. kissing/touchy/staring at "places" that you shouldn't have)..we like to date gentlemen not
9) Never complain about how hard your life is, unless the girl ask
10) Don't ever be
SARCASTIC on 1st date..we don't like it..