It has been a really great year that fills with joy and tears..knowing that year 2009 is coming to an end, it's time for me to refresh my most memorable moments in year 2009 for one last time =)
My first Malacca trip with my college mates
Happy to have such great friends in college and also knowing Felicia's sister, Fiona =)
My biggest regrets in 2009 was chopping off my beautiful long hair
My unforgettable 21st Birthday celebration
The most awesome Christmas celebration ever! you babes to bits =D
My darlings that gone through the awesome 2009 with me..Baby the naughty, Chelsea the sweetie and Zoe the mischievous (although Zoe is not mine, happy to doggie-sit her though)
Freaking tired le...shooting at 10.30am but I woke up at 8am, cause I afraid that I couldn't find the place..didn't know I so "IMBA" and reach at 9.35am..though it's in Mentari Business Park, but I am still "IMBA" OK!..I am not a 24/7 ROAD DUMB..bluekzz~
Met some really nice and friendly girls but there were some that's NOT so nice and friendly as well (COCKY B*TCH!) should see how they flirted with the photographers..we get like 3-4 shots/person..they all pulak like personal photoshooting, maybe 10x more shots @__@..walau wei..SO NOT FAIR!..oh ya, I met 2 college mates too..they are the interns there..what a small world?! ^^
MAKE-UPS!! likey..they have some professionals to do our make-ups..wweeeee~
My make-up artist..I like her..she so damn chio =D ..almost fell in love with her when she was doing my make-up
She's good!..I love her make-up skill..gonna get myself more darker shades of eye shadows
The chio ones!!..Collins, Beverlyn, Mandy and Amelia (from left) =)
Collins' heels are freaking HOT..she bling-ed them herself..we shall do some bling-ing together some time
Me again!!..hehe..sorry in love with those eye make-up..I never know how to put eye shadow this nice ma
This is one of the best Christmas celebration ever =D ..would be even better if Anusha is here with us..but we did talked through the phone..hope she'll come back from UK for holidays soon..MISS YOU BABE!..
Chocolate Brownies by Jane
It's as hard as ROCK! but it tastes great and it's also chewy.. =)
I wish I can celebrate Christmas with all my besties, Jane, Dora and Von every year..not forgetting Nusha!..please come back for holidays soon ya
Presents exchange time!
LOVE it! from Von ^^
It's Nusha wishing us MERRY CHRISTMAS all the way from UK~